Sunday, May 6, 2012

First Sunday of May

Every first Sunday of the month, we always try to go to church and attend the mass. I woke up around 7am because we need to be at La Salette Church in Silang by 9am. I had oats for breakfast because I can't eat hard foods at the moment due to my wound healing from the impacted tooth extraction. I wore a white top paired with jeans and black high heels shoes. And I decided to style my hair the old fashion way. Here's a picture before going to the mass and after.

Yes, I would tell you about the effect of the highlighter. I love it so much! My highlighter is from Miners Cosmetics, Cheek of It! Anyway, moving on. I didn't notice until we arrived at the church that my mom, dad and brother wore blue! and I'm the only one wearing white. In this picture I'm trying to get a stolen picture of them but it ended up that like that because they saw me crouching over with my phone.

What I remember most out of the priest's homily is the story about the dogs at the seminary. The story was about the priest going home to the La Salette's Seminary after a year away from the place. When he was at the gate, the 2 dogs are barking at him but when he started to approach them, the dogs started to play around him. He said that maybe when he approached them that's the time that the dogs remembered him. A few days later, a seminarista was about to leave to go some place else and the dogs accompanied him from the church up to the gate. He wondered why the dogs did that, so he asked "why did the dogs followed you up to the gate?" The seminarista answered, "It's because I've fed them for almost 2 years Father." That's when he thought about that moment. He hoped that people would always be like that, loyal to God because He's been feeding us all our life. He's the bread of life. He's the Lord our God. And yes, we just need to call unto HIM if ever we needed HIM and He'll always be there.

After going to the mass, we decided to have a lunch out at Tagaytay. I said I wanted some pizza so dad decided to treat us at Yellowcab. We had New York's finest, Chicken Alfredo and Sola iced tea, then we added chicken from Army Navy. And here is my dad enjoying the food before going straight home. He even asked me to post it in his facebook page. <3

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